Applying Maths to Real Life


In daily life, math is incredibly helpful. Every day, we apply mathematical ideas and the skills we develop from solving arithmetic problems. We can identify relationships, comprehend patterns, and make future predictions using mathematics. It aids us in carrying out a variety of crucial daily tasks.

Examples of Mathematics in Everyday Life


  • One can use mathematics to estimate how much food to cook by computing the necessary amounts based on the size of the pot. The individual needs to be knowledgeable about ratios, fractions, and various weight-measuring units, such as the cup, the weight, the liter, the gram, and others.

Time Management

  • In mathematics, time is characterized as a continuous series of events that take place one after another, from the past through the present and into the future. 
  • If you have a few minutes to spare and need to get someplace, you may figure out how long it will take you to travel by each method of transportation to get there.

Managing Money

  • In algebra class, kids will pick up skills that will aid them with their finances. They will gain knowledge of how to compute interest and compound interest, which is a crucial ability. This ability will help them manage their finances both now and in the future.


  • You can save time when shopping at a mall sale by having a working knowledge of percentages and knowing how to rapidly calculate them. For instance, you can quickly figure out the discounted price or check to see if you were accurately charged when purchasing clothing.

Students are more likely to see math as vital and valuable if they hear how it is utilized frequently. Additionally, they might have a stronger interest in math.

What other ways do you think math could be applied to real life?

How do you apply math to your everyday life?




Northern Illinois University. (2019). Math Matters in Everyday Life - NIU - Math Matters.

StudiousGuy. (2019, October 18). 22 Examples of Mathematics in Everyday Life.; StudiousGuy.



  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Math can be applied to real life when wanting to be an entrepreneur knowing basic math skills or even advanced math skills are necessary to run a successful business.

    As a student, math is enlisted in every course that I am taking. Outside of school math is applied to my everyday life just by spending money.

  2. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Math can be used when driving. Speed, Time, and Distance’ all these three things are studied in mathematical subjects, which are the basics of driving irrespective of any mode of transportation.

    I use math when I am traveling, I calculate how many songs it takes to reach my destination

  3. Anonymous8:46 PM

    As a computer science major math helps with the formulation of codes and algorithms, it also helps with my problem solving skills


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